Doctorates "prospective architectures" at the Faculty of Architecture and urbanism of Mons

Thesis Director: Jean MAGERAND These few lines are intended to specify, for future PhD students, research leads that can be deepened within that doctoral course. The latter is based on a Belgian-Korean axis linking the faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Mons and the Faculty of Architecture of Yeungnam University in Daegu, South Korea. Instituted within the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Mons, the doctorate “Architectures and prospective” focuses the production of knowledge around practices, theories, methods, “works”, processes, devices or Equipment that can be associated in one way or another, on the one hand to the planning of the Territories and on the other hand to the new tools. These recent tools (technical, methodical, conceptual) are broadly understood, but are in priority to areas or corpora recently generated, directly or indirectly, by the information and communication Sciences and/or put Highlighted by the science of complexity. There, digital operates as one of the common languages. The privileged areas of research are Architecture, urban planning and landscape. However, agriculture, sociology, geography, ecology, biology or Art also refers to space and territories; These areas will therefore be “places” of privileged interference with the doctoral problems of “prospective architectures“. The observation of these “related domains” will be able to fuel the “prospective thesis” because they have already induced organizational changes in certain areas and the fact that they are likely to create, fertilize or feed, eventually, Mutations in the fields of construction and development. History can also be a gateway to these theses since it looks at the foresight developed at different times. The research will focus on producing knowledge on the mechanisms of evolution of artefactuels organization modes over time; It is understood that project approaches are part of these modes of organization. In particular, judicious comparisons between today and key periods of history can help to better assess the place and role of numerical methods in the evolution of contemporary conceptual processes. In this respect, historical research on organizational transfers between science and technology on the one hand and areas relating to invention, creation or design on the other hand, will be welcome. In this context, and as far as our contemporary period is concerned, the developed thesis will focus on how all this knowledge, collateral to Architecture, mutates under the pressure of the new methodical universes linked to the ” Nebula-Digital “. Doctorates will contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms that chair these mutations. Theses can also position their research directly in the fields of the so-called virtual or digital Architecture, the one having already initiated an identifiable evolution, in relation to the new tools (Bubble Architecture?). They will also be able to study phenomena located in the articulation of two or more disciplines and, there, highlight the nature, the actions and the properties of new “active principles” linked to the new methodical tools (it, Mathematics, robotics, etc.). “Prospective doctorates” will therefore be able to produce knowledge in the articulation of two or more specificities which are for example: production/conception (artifactual inventions, projétuelles approaches, engineering Sciences), Conceptual inventions (arts, mathematical poetry or numerical philosophies) the domains-associates dealing implicitly or not with the territorial area (Agriculture, Geography, parametric ecology) or human organizations (sociology and Algoritmiques anthropology). New Techniques (Computer science, robotics, home automation), the new methodical universes (numerical, modeling, data, statistics, parameters, algorithms), new scientific approaches (information and Communication), the new paradigmatisées thoughts (Science of complexity) will also be objects of study or experimentation. Again, the observation of one or more of these knowledge must be accompanied by an explicit demonstration of their proven or potential contribution and/or their applicability to the “areas of design and/or realization and/or management of In the broad sense of the word. Prior to accreditation, the subjects of study, or the corpus, should be clearly established. Theses will tend to direct the observation towards phenomena that have already been experienced elsewhere or which, by analogy, seem a priori to be usable if not identifiable in the “domains of Architecture”. The emergence of a common denominator “methodical-informatique” between all domains has become an obvious one for many scientists. In the “prospective” thesis, the scholarly observation of the properties of this common language, may also be at the centre of the concerns of assumptions and research problems relating to speeches, debates, methods or projects Analyzed. While “high-tech approaches” are implicitly inherent in these thesis, the so-called “low-tech” approaches can completely enter the fields of investigation of doctoral students. They are in fact implicitly prospective research because they are likely to provide new leads and, in addition, to hybridize with the most pointed techniques. Mutation phenomena by cross-domain hybridization may also be subject to study. It is therefore, for each doctoral student, to gather around the field of Architecture and the city of disciplinary or interdisciplinary knowledge which has already mutated or is in the process of being transferred, under the pressure of new technical approaches, Scientific, philosophical or artistic. This knowledge will be confronted with the different aspects of thoughts and “architectural actions”. Particular attention will be given to the way in which the mechanisms of transfer from one area to another are working, in terms of new knowledge and knowledge. It is in the end to learn more about the new methods of analysis developed in the advanced fields. It is also a question of systematically identifying and observing the new ways of conceiving and projecting, extracting the innovative active principles and comparing them with traditional “project approaches”. New analytical methods and new design methods can therefore be invited to the “program” of Doctorates. While doctoral thesis in “Prospective architectures” should focus on academic observation of emerging phenomena, it is strongly recommended that doctoral students develop an “experimental research” component in the annex which will allow better To confront this new knowledge with projétuelles approaches. These experiments will have to test the knowledge produced in theses. It will be accompanied by a critical discourse to understand how they can be “re-initialized”, “re-activated” in the fields of Architecture after being “extracted” from other knowledge. The general hypothesis of the doctorate “architectures and prospective” adheres to the postulate that a “new modernity” is approaching, that it is in the process of crystallization, that it is dispersed in a multitude of knowledge and know-how derived from State transfer. It is, by the addition of various complementary theses, to highlight it and to look for ways that will, if necessary, make it operative in the fields of Architecture. Because of the nature of the interdisciplinary investigations that this research involves, doctoral students are invited to approach other doctoral students in the disciplines or areas suggested above. Jean Magerand, in Paris on September 30, 2013<></>